Office and Shopping Center - "GreenPlaza"

A multifunctional complex with public and commercial premises. Performed works: installation of a monolithic reinforced concrete frame.
About the object
Main facts
м.Lviv, vul. Stryisky, 121А
Housekeeping company "GreenPlaza Lviv"
Stan budіvnitstva
In progress
Technology of everyday life
Monolithic frame
K-st of precast concrete structures
Headed surface
Zahalna area of the object
Indicated showings by the camp for 06/29/2021. Indicators are appointed in the process of the preliminary examination of the object and will be changed in the process of review.
Working with us, you will not look for executors for various types of work: we will help with consultation at every stage of design - and we will perform turnkey work
Construction company "GreenPlaza Lviv"
The customer of the object